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Collège - Middle School

The AIS Leadership Team worked tirelessly over several years to develop and launch the first stage of a Middle School program in 2017. Key to this planning were three elements:


  • In line with our Vision and Mission, the secondary program must allow students to build on the seamless learning experiences undertaken in the AIS Elementary School.
  • In order to allow for the continued and sustained growth of our community, the first year of our secondary program will allow for students of varying backgrounds to enter one of two programs: French and International.
  • In keeping with best practices in international education, while our secondary program will be academically challenging, it will continue to be a place for students to learn to be creative, critical thinkers, and adventurous.

Key Features of the Middle School

The Middle School curriculum has been designed by aligning it with the school’s future diplomas and accreditation requirements. It is further supported by our established policies and aligned with our profile of graduates and…

  • Students receive instruction in French, Spanish, and English every day.
  • Secondary languages are studied at advanced levels in both programs, with the end goal being that each student has studied and can express themselves across our three languages. 
  • Forty percent of the curriculum is linked to STEM-related subjects (science, technology, engineering, design, and mathematics).
  • A focus on fine arts : music, visual arts, theater.
  • Student Emotional Learning (through Advisory and Service Learning) as part of the program.
  • International Baccalaureate® (IB) Middle Years Programme (MYP)

Centre National d'Enseignement à Distance (CNED)

Graduates of AIS have the possibility of continuing to work toward their first official French national 9th grade diploma (Le Diplôme National du Brevet des Collèges), which allows students to continue their studies toward the French Baccalauréat (high school diploma) if desired. 

To read more on AIS' partnership with the Centre national d'enseignement à distance (CNED) or National Centre for Distance Education, click here.

AIS Grade Levels

At AIS, grade levels follow the naming convention of the French National Education system and are divided into four academic cycles.

Maternelle - Early Leaning

PK3 - Petite Section (PS)

PK4 - Moyenne Section (MS)

Kinder - Grande Section (GS)

École - Elementary School

1st - Cours Préparatoire (CP)

2nd - Cours Élémentaire 1 (CE1)

3rd - Cours Élémentaire 2 (CE2)

4th - Cours Moyen 1 (CM1)

5th - Cours Moyen 2 (CM2)

Collège - Middle School

6th - Sixième (6e)

7th - Cinquième (5e)

8th - Quatrième (4e)

AIS Global Merit