2024-2025 Tuition and Fees
Please find below a breakdown of all costs associated with attending Austin International School for the academic year 2024-2025. We trust this information will assist you in assessing affordability and planning your finances accordingly. Recognizing the significant investment involved in your child's education, we provide various payment options along with financial assistance.
Tuition covers the expenses of textbooks, consumable workbooks, and local field trips.

*Sibling Rate Discount - First 10%, Second 20%, Third 30%
Deposit and Fees:
- New students: $1,000 USD registration fee to secure a spot, non-refundable.
- Re-enrolled students: 10% deposit in May for the upcoming year, non-refundable but will be credited to first-month tuition.
Other Fees:
- Application fee: $125
- Resource fee: $500**
- Technology Fees:
- $100 in PreK3-Kindergarten
- $200 in 1st–3rd Grade
- $300 in 4th–8th Grade
- CM1 Students: $800 class trip to Fort Davis
- CM2 and 8th grade trips: $2300
- Middle School Retreat: $400
- AIS Parent-Teacher Organization dues: $90/family
** The Resource fee (formerly known as the expansion fee) helps us to grow our resources for the continued growth of our campus and community. This includes rises in ongoing and future accreditations and memberships, professional development for our teachers, and better resources for student support services.
Optional Program Fees:
- Hot lunch
- Pizza Friday
- After-school activities and seasonal camps: Programs here
- Language support: $1200 for 25 additional ESL/FLE lessons
Payments and Installments:
Families may elect to make their payments on the following schedules:
- One-time: A 5% discount is offered when tuition is paid upfront in one installment.
- Two installments
- Monthly installments (9 months from August to April.)
Financial Aid
Families may contact the Admissions Department at admissions@austinis.org for any inquiries regarding financial aid or other payment arrangements.
Austin International School is actively seeking to enroll students who exhibit both academic promise and contribute to the diverse fabric of our school community. We offer financial assistance to families facing financial constraints, ensuring that their children have the opportunity to attend our institution. Our aid is primarily allocated based on demonstrated need.
Financial support is accessible to students entering 1st through 8th grades.